Thursday, October 8, 2015

Day Eight: It is Getting Hard

It's day eight of this crazy writing challenge and I have to admit that I'm struggling. The pattern of my days doesn't change much and don't seem to be interesting enough for me to share on the blog. I started this challenge on a whim so don't have an 'idea file' to pull from. Maybe I will next year?

Here are some reflections on today, October 8, 2015:

  • My youngest child turned four today. I can't believe that my little boy is in fact pretty big. He is tall for his age, precocious as anything (today he told me that he loved me and was going to be with me for the rest of his life) yet surprisingly shy with people outside the family and on the telephone. 
  • It turns out I can make twenty-three cupcakes in an afternoon with a four year old 'helping.'
  • Cupcakes are perfectly acceptable birthday 'cakes' for four, six and eight year olds. It is the unusual year that a boy's birthday party falls on the actual birthday day so cupcakes are my back up. Youngest loved his. I may have eaten eighteen of twenty three...
  • Well, maybe not eighteen but close.
  • It was a beautiful, 16 degree C day here today. I realize days like this are numbered and I'm pleased to say the boys spent quite a bit of their after school time outside on the back deck versus inside using an electronic device.
  • There were no electronic devices used this afternoon because Eldest and Middlest acted up during our trip to Dominion (grocery store and pharmacy) when I went in to pick up a prescription. I do not believe that lying across the floor of the pharmacy and rolling around to be acceptable behaviour.
  • They took the consequence of no Minecraft/iPad well.
  • I need to spend more time outside like I make my children do. It's so easy to get caught up in the responsibilities of keeping a house and forgetting that ignoring a beautiful day is my loss.
  • The first flower of my mother's hydrangea plant is the most gorgeous blue colour. This plant was given to my mother for Mother's Day about three years ago by one of my brothers and his wife. I was given the responsibility of keeping it alive until Mudder and Fadder move into their new old house (yes, I said that right). This is the first bloom and it's a stunner. I need to research when to cut it as I want to dry it. Maybe now as it's starting to brown on one side. 
  • I'll learn about drying hydrangea's in the morning as I'm too tired now.
  • The end.


  1. Entertaining as usual. But I bow to your willingness to keep going on the challenge you have set for yourself! But I have a question why was rolling in the aisle not acceptable? Lol

  2. Entertaining as usual. But I bow to your willingness to keep going on the challenge you have set for yourself! But I have a question why was rolling in the aisle not acceptable? Lol
