Friday, November 16, 2018

Retiring...To A New Location!

With all of my online busyness over the past two years, I felt it time to commit to my own domain name and customized blog format. Therefore, you can now find me at Come on over and join me on a continuation of this venture in a slightly updated format.

See you soon!

Patty XO

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Cross Stitch Tutorials

The following lists all of my tutorials and posts relating to helping you learn to cross stitch.



Video tutorial: Using a Glue Gun to Finish Your Cross Stitch Projects

Tutorial - Finishing Cross Stitch Project Using a Glue Gun

This is the first in a series of videos helping you cross stitch. Enjoy!


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Join Me For A Time!

I would love it if you would join me for my first knitting and crocheting retreat here in beautiful Newfoundland and Labrador.

For more information, contact me at

To receive sneak previews of what's happening with the retreat, you can also join my private Facebook group called 'Knitlantica'. Simply place a request to join and I will add you.

Looking forward to seeing you there!