Thursday, October 1, 2015

31 Days of Writing & Crafting

I have decided to try out the 31 Days in October challenge which encourages bloggers to write a post a day for October  2015. I am feeling a wee bit intimidated and scared but that's what challenges are made for.

This is the home page for all of my 31 Days in October 2015 Challenge posts so check back daily to see what I'm writing about for 2015 and read below for my day one post.

Day Two: Party Planning Continues

Day Three: Gone to the Dogs

Day Four: A New Kind of Heat

Day Five: Back to Normal

Day Six: Free Printables

Day Seven: Felted Fun

Day Eight: It is Getting Hard

Day Nine: Reading Ideas

Day Ten: Where is the Time Going?

Day Eleven: Languishing WIPs

Day Twelve: Leap of Faith

Day Thirteen: Quick & Easy Patterns That I Like

Day Fourteen: Meow

Day Fifteen: Did You Ever Wonder About...Pipe Cleaners

Day Sixteen: I Did It Again

Day Seventeen: A Bit of Nonsense

Day Eighteen: When He Goes, Something Goes With Him

Day Nineteen: A Little Hike

Day Twenty: The 2015 Tea Tour

Day Twenty-One: Taco Tuesdays

Day Twenty-Two: Finishing WIPs

Day Twenty-Three: Pumpkin Seeds

Day Twenty-Four: Coming Up Flowers

Day Twenty-Five: A Busy Weekend

Day Twenty-Six: Brussel Sprouts

Day Twenty-Seven: Keeping It Real

Day Twenty-Eight: Moving Right Along

Day Twenty-Nine: A Large Day

Day Thirty: Rain and Wind

Day Thirty-One: Happy Halloween and The End

Day One: 31 Days of Writing & Crafting

July, October and November are birthday months in our house. This week I am preparing for Youngest's birthday party. Here is the design for his invitations that I made this morning using I love Canva and hope to share a couple of free printables with you this month as part of this post a day challenge.

As you can tell, Youngest is having a doggy themed party this year. I have an 11X14 slab cake baking in the oven and my challenge tomorrow is to replicate the dog and his house from the invitation onto the top of the cake in icing. Wish me luck!

I feel like I should write more about the banners that I ordered through Etsy, the food and the decorations but I must save something else to talk about tomorrow! And, yes, preparing for a party ranks high on the crafting stage in our house as I have 1) create my own digital birthday invitations, 2) hand carve a birthday stamp for every party here as we use brown paper bags to be gentle on the environment and the stamps make the bags a little more festive and 3) it's my blog and I decide what is a craft and what isn't;)!

See you tomorrow.

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