What a morning! Pouring rain and windy as anything. Blustery we called it - Newfoundland and Labradorians being masters of understatement. Eldest said that he could have flown if his sleeves were bigger and, after he donned his black cape for his Darth Sidious costume for his school party, he almost did fly, it was that windy.
This is a difficult time for me. I'm trying to lose weight and the chocolate has finally arrived at the house. And I've gotten into it.
This year we didn't purchase our treats until today. I have a craft fair all day tomorrow so we needed them before the 31st but not so early I could make myself sick on them (says she feeling sick as she types). Maybe I'll stop now. And I have after not eating near my usual binge so I feel that's progress.
I am almost finished my cowl. I hope to show you it in its finished form in the next day or two. For now, I've got to run. I'm still prepping for the Torbay Community Market tomorrow and it's an early rise and set up!