Friday, October 30, 2015

Day Thirty: Rain and Wind

What a morning! Pouring rain and windy as anything. Blustery we called it - Newfoundland and Labradorians being masters of understatement. Eldest said that he could have flown if his sleeves were bigger and, after he donned his black cape for his Darth Sidious costume for his school party, he almost did fly, it was that windy. 

This is a difficult time for me. I'm trying to lose weight and the chocolate has finally arrived at the house. And I've gotten into it.

This year we didn't purchase our treats until today. I have a craft fair all day tomorrow so we needed them before the 31st but not so early I could make myself sick on them (says she feeling sick as she types). Maybe I'll stop now. And I have after not eating near my usual binge so I feel that's progress.

I am almost finished my cowl. I hope to show you it in its finished form in the next day or two. For now, I've got to run. I'm still prepping for the Torbay Community Market tomorrow and it's an early rise and set up!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Day Twenty-Nine: A Large Day

Twenty nine days in and I'm struggling with content again. It's certainly been a month of crafting, sharing, revealing, and laughing - most days;)! I've really enjoyed the daily chat with you and wish so many of you could drop by for a cup of tea with me! Seeing as a lot of you are some ways away, consider this blog our little chat room and please continue to let me know what you think of it and any suggestions you have for future posts (yes, M, the bottle tree!) or improvements.

Today was a large day as far as the boys are concerned. The stuff of every boy child's (big and small) dreams was delivered early this morning.

Time to get serious about the back yard garden. Yes, we know that it's fall. Yes, we know that we've already had two hard frosts but, there are some jobs that you Just. Want. Done.

The triangular apparatus is DH's soil sifter. This is a pre-excavator picture.

Despite, the frosts, Angel Face is STILL blooming!

DH got right to work. He and the delivery dude decided that he should have requested a tractor/bucket combo versus the excavator but, it was too late by then so he started at it anyways. 

I thought that the fact he could move it forwards and backwards was pretty impressive. The fact that he had bucket control too? Amazing! 

He mainly used the excavator as a giant sifting assistant which saved him and his back weeks of doing it himself (not to mention two seasons).

And post excavation. Houston, we have a mess. Naturally, all four boys are delighted!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Day Twenty-Eight: Moving Right Along

Where is the time going? I can't believe I have only three days left of this challenge! And I'm doing it too! Yeah me!!!! I also cannot believe it's almost Halloween! EEEK! That means pumpkin carving, an all day community craft market (another Steeped Tea table for me) and trick or treating all in one day. DH will be in charge of pumpkin carving this year.

So, how are things out there? Things here are moving along well here despite that nasty migraine that knocked me off my feet for two days. Ugh. DH came home with a new microwave today - yehaw! That was a pleasant surprise over the lunch hour. We are very lucky in that DH makes it home for lunch most days of the week. It's particularly nice when he comes home carrying a surprise!

I am working away at the cowl I mentioned a post or two back.

This picture best shows the actual yarn colour.
Slow to be sure but progress.

I love the look of seed stitch which the majority of this cowl is knit in. Such a lovely texture. It's not my favourite stitch to knit though as I have to keep looking at what I'm doing versus reading a book or watching a show. I know, poor me right?!? 

The yarn I'm using is Madelinetosh Vintage and the colour is likely 'Well Water' but I'm not sure as I threw out the label already. It's a gorgeous yarn to work with and I can't wait to wash and block this baby to see how soft it's going to turn out. It's a present for a man so I'm hoping it looks at least a little masculine??? I bought the yarn at my local Cast On, Cast Off yarn shop.

And there's nothing like knitting with wooden needles is there? These are a KnitPicks set from Fiberlilly. Yum!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Day Twenty-Seven: Keeping It Real

A friend of mine commented on the blog a few days ago about how I seem to get so much done and remain so positive. That gave me pause for thought. I too have read blogs (and stopped reading blogs for the same reason) that are almost sickeningly cheery and bright. The blogs where the model in the profile picture has seven children, is home schooling them all, makes all of their cleaning products by hand and is an interior designer according to the list of decorating tutorials they have listed on their front pages.

In an effort to keep this blog real, let's talk about a few other things in my life that rarely make it to the blog. The things I tend not to write about because I want my blog to be fairly upbeat when I go back and read it. The things that occasionally cause me guilt.

  • I live with depression. I'm pleased to say that this year, in this month I am living with depression and not being ruled by it which was not the case last fall. It's a nasty disease that I am learning how to manage and its main impact on my blog is when I'm really sick I can't write which = no blog posts.
  • I yell at my kids. Any day can become one of "those" days. I'm not proud of it and hearing the wailing of "Mommy's being mean!" does not brighten my day. However, I try and do my best every day and that's as good as it gets.
  • I use crafting as an anti depressant. When I'm creative, I simply feel better. I might try to OD on that drug occasionally;)!
  • My spouse travels. A lot. In the interest of safety, I don't publish on the blog when he is away but it is often for a week or two Each. Month. I find that very hard.
  • My family has been affected, like all families, with significant health issues that are my family's stories to tell and not mine. However, they do affect the day to day running of my household and I like to forget about them when I write a blog post.
  • My house is a continual mess. Seriously. I was anal about keeping it clean before kids and now I'm not keeping my head above water. I move along cleaning from room to room whilst a virtual tornado of boy follows me around. It gets me upset and down somedays but usually a good knitting/crocheting/crafting session will fix that.
So, there it is. Keeping it real, folks!

Day Twenty-Six: Brussel Sprouts

I used to hate brussel sprouts with a passion. I remember them being repugnant little balls of grossness as a child (that's what I called them!). Luckily, Baldy brother loved them and, rather than risk a beating by his older sister, would graciously take them from me under the table (literally). So began my avoidance of the wee little cabbages.

Something happened last year though. I was reading through a Canadian Living magazine and it had a recipe for baked brussel sprouts with balsamic vinegar, garlic and pancetta. I couldn't stop thinking about them and the fact that it had been years since I'd tried the little beasts. Maybe my taste buds had changed? So, for Christmas dinner no less, I not only tried out a new recipe but tried a food I'd been avoiding for, ahem, forty years.

I generally consider myself to be an adventurous eater. I love curries and sushi, paela and spanikopida and just about any other food I've tried. Except turkey. I'm still not a fan though I will now eat it if I'm forced to instead of finding myself green and gagging in a corner. Poor DH rarely gets turkey in this house so he loves it when the whole family comes together for large holiday meals when he has the possibility of getting turkey.

But I digress. Ah yes, the humble brussel sprout. Well, there's some baking in the oven as I type and I cannot wait for supper. I can't find the exact recipe that I found that night but this one is close! And I'm going to try it tomorrow night.


I apologize for this being posted late. I had it written but hadn't posted it and got hit by a migraine last night. Hopefully you can forgive me.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Day Twenty-Five: A Busy Weekend

I was at the Steeped Tea table at the Glacier in Mount Pearl yesterday. This fair is such a lovely start to the Christmas fair shopping season. However, I was hosting a vendor table so I didn't get the chance to look around much but was kept nice and busy answering questions and selling tea. I love being at craft fairs and meeting all the people that stop by.

The temperatures have definitely been more Autumn like this past weekend and we have enjoyed using our new stove once or twice.

Picture taken by Eldest.

There is nothing like sitting in a rocking chair next to a warm stove knitting (yes, knitting not crocheting!). The stereotypical Grandmother was onto something.

I just cast on this project for a special friend of ours. Hopefully he'll like it. Even better, hopefully he'll wear it. Yes, it's a new project. It's amazing that DH and I have been happily married for 19 years because I have no project fidelity that's for sure!

I spent today at a craft retreat at the St. John's MFRC (Military Family Resource Centre). It was awesome. I'm working on a large project that I cannot write a blog post about as it's a special surprise present for Christmas but I did get a great amount of work done on it today. Another afternoon's worth of time and I should be able to hand it over to DH for the final touches.

Is anyone else starting to think about homemade Christmas presents?

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Day Twenty- Four: Coming up Flowers

We have had an amazing fall here on the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland and Labrador. Warm, summer like weather most days - Middlest is still wearing his Crocs to school everyday! Mind you, the child doesn't feel cold like the rest of us. By and large, it's been a wonderful late summer.

My roses are still blooming!
There is some evidence of lower light due to the Autumn sun, however. My crab cactus puts on a gorgeous display twice a year when there is a change in the amount of sunlight it receives usually around Halloween and Easter.

And this African violet is loving the weather right now. I particularly love the colour combination of this beauty.

Day Twenty-Three: Pumpkin Seeds

I made these yesterday from a pumpkin we carved at the St. John's MFRC.

A bit of oil + a dash of Steeped Tea's Smoky Maple Vinaigrette mix = gorgeous.

Do you eat your pumpkin seeds? 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Day Twenty-Two: Finishing WIPs

I spent Wednesday craft morning at the St. John's MFRC finishing some WIPs (Works In Progress). What a great feeling.

A little of this.

Slippers for Middlest at his request.

A little of that.
A surprise peek.

Inspiration to finish these.

A pair!


Three finished crocheted projects in a row. Time for some knitting by the look of it...

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Day Twenty One: Taco Tuesdays

Torbay was wrapped in rainbows yesterday morning!
Tuesdays are easy at our house. Supper is all about tacos which all of the boys like so I don't have to slave away at a hot stove preparing a gorgeous meal only to hear "Yuck! That's disgusting" when it finally makes it to the supper table. It's really nice to have one night of the week when I know, for sure, what we're having to eat.

I have tried meal planning and hope to get back to it. The weeks that I was meal planning caused a buzz of organization as I was able to prepare meals and had all of the ingredients on hand. Often I did slow cooker meals so preparation was quick and gave me plenty of time for other things (like crafts). Now, not knowing what we're having for supper before 3:00 PM can make me crazy so it's no wonder I love Tuesdays.

Now, you could argue that our tacos aren't the healthiest choice in the cupboard. Cheese, taco chips or taco shells or wraps, cooked ground beef, salsa, shredded lettuce and tomatoes fill the table and I haven't decided if the healthy options outweigh the poorer ones. All in moderation as the rest of the week spreads it out. Hopefully that's okay?

How about you? Do you have a favourite or 'certain day of the week meal' that you'd like to share?

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Day Twenty: The 2015 Tea Tour

Day twenty of this challenge! Can you believe it!?! Me neither. It's been fun actually. I love to write. Even if I'm struggling to find subject matter and some of my blog posts are silly, I am really enjoying the 'forced' time writing and the opportunity to stretch my writing muscles.

I own a tea business. I don't talk about it often on the blog because I don't want it to be a forum for selling tea but I'm going to talk about it a bit today. Yes, I own my own direct sales tea business with Steeped Tea and if you want any further information about that, check out my other website here.

Last night, Tonia Jahshan, the founder of Steeped Tea, was in St. John's, NL for the second time as part of her 2015 Fall cross Canada and USA Tea Tours. It was a blast. Well over 100 people in the room with lots and lots of TEA and food. Honestly, it was like heaven but in high heels. Consultants wore fascinators (something like these only not so fancy) and we gave away lots of prizes. The energy in the room was electric.

Tonia's Steeped Tea story is really inspiring and she is a great example of a Canadian entrepreneur. She is also a very entertaining speaker as well as a warm, friendly and really fun individual. All in all, it was a great night. The turn out was excellent considering it was also the night of the 2015 Federal Election here in Canada.

Here are some pictures of the tables we set up Sunday night in preparation for Monday's Tea Tour.

Like most Direct Sales companies, Steeped Tea offers fundraising opportunities for local community groups.

This is the layout of what is included in a starter kit for new consultants. This year is Steeped Tea's 10th year in business and, to celebrate, the incentive trip for consultants is Maui, Hawaii. That is why 'Betsy' (my dress form generously given to me by my friend ML several years ago) made her first public modelling appearance.

And this was the hot and cold tea bar.

My feet hurt and I was really tired but it really was a great night and worth every minute of it.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Day Nineteen: A Little Hike

Yesterday we went for a little hike out to Torbay Head with Middlest, Youngest and I. Eldest and DH participated in Eldest's first (and DH's upteenth) Scout Camp - it was a huge hit with Eldest. The forecast was calling for rain so I got the boys on the go just after breakfast and, after being joined by two friends, we went a hiking.

It's definitely autumn in the woods.

And gorgeous on the East Coast Trail.

Sadly, these were the best pictures I got but the memories will last a lifetime!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Day Eighteen: When He Goes, Something Goes With Him

DH just got back from another trip overseas. I am really please by how the ten days went and, by and large, the boys were both excellent in behaviour and health. Can you hear the angels singing???

However, something must still go wrong when DH is away. Usually it's vehicle trouble (e.g. dead battery, flat tire, frozen doors), snow storm problems (e.g. &^%$# show blower!) or family illness. This time, the microwave died.

I remember back to the time before DH and I owned a microwave from 1994 to 1998. Four years of planning to take frozen meat out the night before or, more often, thawing it in warm water the day of. Four years of reheating our lunches in the oven. We seemed to managed just fine.

Our first microwave was purchased in 1998 when we moved to Germany. I don't remember thinking we needed one at the time but my FIL and MIL decided we did and that was their present to us in our new home. Gradually, it has become an important appliance. Especially where my tea drinking is concerned.

I rarely have a warm cup of tea the first time around. In fact I'm so used to drinking luke warm tea that I have to leave my just poured tea quite awhile before its cooled down enough for me to drink it. It is not beyond the realm of possibility for me to reheat a cup of tea three times before I get to that final, satisfying dose. Three times is really hard when your microwave is not working. I've had to get a pot out to warm my favourite hot beverage.

DH is back now. Time to get a new microwave.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Day Seventeen: A Bit of Nonsense

Day seventeen arrived with glee
And Patty dreaded to go and see
What blog post idea was written down
Upon a list so yellowed and brown.

To keep her readers attention span
Was proving to be a difficult plan
And Patty wrung her hands and dried her eyes
Wondering how the next post could be a surprise.

When what to her wondering eyes did appear
But a new and improved list
Placed upon the arm of a chair.

The ideas were marvellous and a wonder
And all of them made Patty ponder.
Would her readers like to see
Stories about her bottle tree?

How about another entry from the cats?
They really are the family's brats!
Perhaps a list of Christmas movies
Might make the blog look quite groovy.

A series of goals for the week
Might make the commenters sit up and speak.
Quotes from the children or a tutorial
Might make her readers editorial.

But instead she decided to put hand to pen
And write a little, then more again.
Because that challenge was more than enough
To make Patty huff and puff.

And hopefully the blog's readers would come to see
That what was written was composed happily.
For the act of writing a post everyday
Is an act of courage and and a blogs mainstay.

So I thank you all from the bottom of my heart
That you've stuck with me though in time we will part
Because I'm not sure I can keep up this challenge's plan
But I will try hard to stay as long as I can.

Patty 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015

Day Sixteen: I Did It Again

What's a girl to do when she has too many WIPs (Works In Progress)? Start another one of course! I found the blog Pink Milk through Lucy's Attic24 blog and have grown to love it. I also love Pink Milk Heather's designs and decided that I had to have a pair of these Rosie Mitts. I am quite taken with the cross stitched roses and I think that the style will go wonderfully with the Cloche Hat I blogged about a few days ago.

These, plus Heather's Sloppy Sunday Cowl, would make a set! And doesn't every girl need a new cold weather set before the snow comes?

I've started with the left mitten and am really enjoying this new to me crochet style. The pattern calls for single crochet (US terms) into the back of the previous row which gives a suspiciously 'knit like' look to the ribbing. Some of you knitting purists are thinking "if you want a knitted look then why not just knit it in the first place?" Because this pattern is just so darn pretty.

I barely started this last night and hope to have one full mitten (kind of an oxymoron for fingerless mittens but you get my drift) completed before bed.



I'd like to thank each and every one of you who are still reading past the mid way mark of the month. It is really inspiring to me that you continue to read and comment, if not on the blog then on Facebook. Your support is keeping me going on this writing and crafting challenge and I really appreciate each and every one of you.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

Day Fifteen: Did You Ever Wonder About...Pipe Cleaners?

I feel I've been negligent in the creativity department over the past few posts so I made a burlap wreath last night that took ten minutes. Mine doesn't look as nice as the tutorial shows but I'm still pleased with it. It still needs something - maybe some silk leaves? See below.

I cut a burlap coffee sack 6" wide to make mine. The trick to a straight line is to pull up a thread and pull it right through the length of the burlap. Then, cut along the vertical hole made by the missing thread. Does that make sense? Let me know if it doesn't.

Here are some other tips for you in case you too want to cut up a coffee sack to make a burlap wreath. These tips might save you some swearing time:
  • pull all the loose ends from the strips before attaching them to the wreath. Otherwise you'll be trimming your wreath and making a bigger mess than you'd hoped.
  • cork floor is divine. It is warm and springy and hides a myriad of dirt. This means it's damn near impossible to find all the little bits you've dropped from your wreath that you have to ensure are gone because one of your cats (Angel) has taken a liking to eating said little bits.
  • Wear a long sleeved, high neck shirt. The 'dust' from the burlap hurts as it eats its nasty way into your skin. Something like freshly cut bits of hair do. Don't ask me how I know...
Whilst making my wreath, I used some vintage pipe cleaners that we'd recently inherited from relatives in BC. The pipe cleaners came along at just the right time because I needed some to make my wreath and their arrival meant one less trip to Michaels and, let's face it folks, most of us could use at least one less trip to Michaels.

I used to use pipe cleaners in lots of crafts growing up. To slide beads onto, to bend into shapes and create circles and stick people, even to use as a brush for adding glue to paper when I got stuck. I must admit to not thinking much about the humble pipe cleaner apart from seeing them as a craft item which could be white or coloured or even fancy metallic.

Did you ever wonder where pipe cleaners come from and what they are really used for? Me neither. Until last night. Look at this packaging.

"LEAVING PIPE CLEANER IN PIPE OVERNIGHT for A REAL DRY SMOKE" confused the heck out of me. After all, aren't they too small for a pipe (as in a pipe for a wood stove)? After that dense moment (which was longer than just a moment), I Googled 'Comoy's Pipe Cleaner's'. After all, a company that's been making them since 1825 couldn't still be in business could they?

They are. And pipe cleaners are used to clean out the type of pipes that people smoke! Who knew?!? Am I the only one? The Comoy company is still in the business of making pipes in the UK. I think that kind of longevity is pretty cool.

Then there is the 'Nu-Brush' Canadian Company. Isn't this wonderful? I love how this vintage package states that "THE OLD WRAPPED STYLE DOES GATHER DUST". I wonder how old the old ones are/were? And it looks as though I may have missed an opportunity to make some money if you check out this Etsy listing.

These pipe cleaners feel a little different from pipe cleaners I've used before - much softer. I wondered if they were made from wool but they're more likely cotton chenille like I found other pipe cleaners from a smoke shop to be made of. Then again, another site mentioned that the Nu-brush brand of pipe cleaners were made of wool so who knows.

You learn something new every day.

Here's my wreath.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Post Fourteen: Meow

We CANNOT believe that not only is this day fourteen of Patty's challenge but that this is also the first time we've (the cats) even heard about it! Patty said that that was because we spend all of our time napping, snoozing and snoring. We take offence. Didn't we bring a small, half dead mouse to the back deck a few weeks ago as a token of our affection? Haven't we grabbed birds out of the air to show off our prowess? What's a cat got to do in this house to gain some notoriety fame?

The summer has been great. Patty and the other smaller humans have been letting us outside a lot. Patty says that she is worried about us being outside. She is concerned about those fast, loud things called V-E-H-I-C-L-E-S and that one of them could hit us. That fear hasn't stopped us from escaping or extending our territory across the road so Patty has put something called a 'moratorium' on our outside escapades. We're not sure what 'moratorium' means but we're pretty sure it's bad news as we haven't been allowed outside for a couple of weeks. Not that we haven't escaped; the smaller humans aren't as quick to scare us away as the bigger ones.

There is nothing like some fresh air to roam about in. We love it here. The undergrowth below the evergreens in the back yard provides the perfect shelter and skulking grounds. There's nothing like some good skulking to make you feel alive. You should try it some time! It's not hard at all. It helps to have a tail and four legs but, you know, those challenges aside you would have some great fun we are sure.

Angel and I aren't really speaking to each other any better than usual but we did decide to collaborate on this particular mission. We called it Operation Get To Know Us. Catchy isn't it?!? I'm doing the typing (Bella) and Angel is keeping an eye out for Patty. Luckily she's upstairs working on her continual obsession to 'keep the kitchen counters clean' which, frankly, is always a disappointment when we're checking out the boundaries at night and there are no tasty leftovers to snack on on the counter tops and the potpourri of drying food on the countertops isn't there to make us feel alive. Sigh.

Anyways, must go. Life is a busy thing in this oversized house cage. Got things to do and hair balls to cough up (well, Angel does).


Bella and Angel

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Post Thirteen: Quick & Easy Patterns that I Like

I thought I'd put together a post of some projects from Pinterest, Ravelry and beyond that I'd like to try:

Crochet button earrings

Guy's Apron

Button Clock

Reversible Cloche (hat)

Buttoned Crocheted Wrap - maybe I'd finish this one faster...

Bird Christmas Cross Stitch

Pia Dress

So many projects. So little time! See anything you like?

Monday, October 12, 2015

Day Twelve: Leap of Faith

We have a nice kitchen. I really like it. Then why do I want to change it? Because ever since we put in the stone wall in the kitchen, the dark cabinets makes an already dark corner even darker. So, I'm considering some 'pop'.

Photo Sources:

Rather than painting all of the cabinets white (I don't think I'm ready for that. Yet), I'm going to attack the kitchen island. Above are some of my inspirational pictures. Our island has a dark granite stone similar to #'s 1 and 2 . I love the antiqued style of #3 - we have decorative scrolls just like the island in this picture. 

I have MMS Linen, bonding agent and antiquing wax and DH has agreed to the reno.

Do you like the look? Think I'm brave enough? Need a 'before' picture?

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Day Eleven: Languishing WIPs

This post is for anyone who has been unduely impressed by the amount of finished projects I've blogged about since the beginning of the month. I don't want you to think that I don't require sleep and got all of these projects done in the blink of an eye. Here are my secrets. Firstly, your children need to all be three years old or older. Secondly, it's amazing what you can get done but committing ten minutes a day at something. Ten minutes has given me completed rugs, completed sweaters and a myriad of other completed projects. Some of them have taken years to complete but, they're done. Let's talk about the pile of things that aren't done.

For the uninitiated, WIP stands for 'work in progress' and I thought it time to show a few on the blog. This is a bit painful, mind you, as the majority of what I'll be showing you are projects that have been languishing anywhere from a few months to many, many years. And I will not be showing you them all. That would simply take too long and be too depressing (for me). Honestly, this is just the tip of the ice berg.

So, let's haul open the doors of the craft room and have a look. Ready?

This WIP hasn't been waiting too long as I started it about a month ago. I haven't done any decorative painting in years and 2015 has seen me paint a couple of projects. This one has been waiting so long to be finished that it's dusty.

Two sleeves done and this is the back of another sweater. I realized that it's taking more yarn than anticipated and, as I purchased this yarn in Alaska, it's not easy for me to get more. As an alternative, I've started a front panel and intend on knitting both the front left and right sides so that if I do run out of yarn and need to buy another of a different lot number, you will only notice on the back.

I purchased this fabric for a runner as a memento of my trip to NYC and Purl Soho in May of 2014. It only needs to be ironed and the ends hemmed up with some pretty embroidery.

I finished this pattern from a NL designer in 2006 and it's still waiting to be framed or put into a small quilt to frame it. I really feel this project is sad about being left to 'age' so long.

This is another 'aged' project. It's been waiting at least a year and a half. It's a pretty sweater pattern and I've already put so much time in it. Why isn't this finished?!? Ah, life.

However, I did finish pumpkin number two. Meet Max (his partner in crime is Bessie).

And here he is for a size comparison so you know how big these pumpkins are. So cute!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Day Ten: Where is the Time Going?

Now that the birthday parties are over (at least until November) I'm starting to think about Halloween. Historically, I've made most of the boys' costumes and I thought it would be neat to use the blog to act as a repository of the past eight years of costumes.

I've been wanting to create a family Halloween banner using this printable for some time. I even have the banner printed and laminated already. So the following compilation is a great start to getting my banner up this year.

2007 - no formal costume for this three month old cutie but I did knit his hat and the onesie was just too appropriate not to wear Halloween night when we handed out treats.

2008 - I made this panda costume using in hearted and gorgeous coat material for the black fur. This costume is going to have to go to someone very special as a hand me down. The fur meant that this was also one very HOT costume to wear. Just a diaper under the costume and Eldest was more than warm enough for Nova Scotia's fall weather.

2009 - The only year I didn't contribute at all to the costumes. We'd moved back to NL with a two year old and a newborn and into my parents house (bless them) and we were still desperately searching for a new home when Halloween rolled around. We spent it in Gander Bay visiting relatives.

2010 -  Back on the ball (and settled into our new house), another costume was sewn up. Only one as Middlest was now old enough to wear a panda hand me down. Eldest is a polar bear.

2011 - Another year that I considered a Halloween 'fail' at the time. Now I look back and realize that I made a costume for one boy with a newborn in the house while I was recovering from an emergency C-section and Youngest's traumatic entrance into the world. At the time, I was wracked with guilt that I didn't get the second beaver costume made (Eldest had decided both he and Middlest would be beavers. Midwest was yet too young to have any opinion other than to make his big brother happy). Looking back, I think I was pretty amazing actually. The second beaver costume is still in pieces in my craft room...

2012 - Two costumes made this year and one hand me down. Recognize it? Eldest decided that both he and Middlest should be bats. Too cute.

The family resemblance in these panda costumes is striking, no?
2013 - Year of the tiger. We have one cave man and two tigers. Luckily, only two costumes to make as Youngest fit into a store bought one I'd found years earlier.

2014 - Around this time, I decided not to publish pictures of the boys on the blog. They are getting bigger, getting more interested in what a blog is and, sadly, it might be an unsafe world out there. In 2014, Eldest and Middlest were very scary vampires (store bought capes and make up) and Youngest was the cutest doggy ever. I made his costume.

And 2015? Youngest wants to be a doggie again. Eldest is using a store bought cape and Mommy will do his make up to look like Darth Sidious. Middlest wants to be a zombie so I guess we will head to a second hand store for clothes that I can tear up and, er, mutilate. Easy peasy...