Anyone who has ever visited our house knows that we continue to live in a bit of a gravel pit but I take heart in the fact that this is also how Butchart Gardens started.
DH is involved in some sweat equity this summer as he sorts good dirt from gravel (the triangular contraption in the top left corner of this picture is of his homemade gravel sorter). I'm inspired by the large stones surrounding The Plantation in Quidi Vidi (more on that in a later post) so those rocks will be put to good use.
I planted a wee garden in the back yard next to the house three years ago. It was always supposed to be a temporary location until we put in a clothesline (which is still outstanding BTW). It turns out to be a lovely sheltered location and the few plants I've put in there have done really well.
This is my only peony and this is the first ever - and one of one this year - bloom. It was a stunner.
For Mother's Day this year, the boys bought me this rose, Angel Face, from Veseys in PEI. I don't know which is prettier, the rose or its scent.
Though I still only have two lavender plants, my bushes yielded double last years crop. The fact that I can grow lavender in my back yard makes me feel both ridiculously happy and quite posh at the same time.
DH invested in some strawberry plants as well this year. They have yet to make it in the ground (!) but are doing very well in their temporary planters and are yielding quite the crop for us which is an unexpected delight.
Here is the total garden in a spot that roses and lavender love.
I hope to cover the pipes and concrete in the background with lattice. Some day.
I scored some cheap garden ideas from Pinterest and here is the result. Take one thrift store glass vase (.99) and a thrift store crystal(ish) style bowl (also .99). Find a dowel in the garage and push it into the dirt as deep as you can. Insert the vase over the dowel and flip the bowl over the bottom of the vase. Voila! Glass mushrooms!
I loved the first one I made so much that I now have three.
It might be small and currently dwarfed with the rest of the unfinished garden but its a start of how we want things to look in the future and its very exciting!