Friday, June 3, 2016

Five on Friday: June 3, 2016

Once again I am joining in with the lovely Amy from her Love Made My Home blog for this Five on Friday post. Please have a look at the other bloggers linking up this week. You might just find your next favourite blog to read.

I promised answers to my Five on Friday post from two weeks ago and haven't been forthcoming! My apologies. Here are the answers:

  1. The photograph of the bird was taken at the Ashmolean as a couple of you had guessed!
  2. The hopeless romantic was none other than Winston Churchill.
  3. Grope Lane can be found in Shrewsbury.
  4. The man was leading a horse who was towing a barge near Llangollen.
  5. And the final answer to what was finished in this town in 1779 was the bridge in Ironbridge.
For this weeks Five on Friday, I thought I'd concentrate on the scenery in my own back yard or, more specifically, just across the road and down the East Coast trail.

This is the cliff across from our house where the waves crash and we can feel the rumble of their power whilst sitting in our basement.

This is the wee clearing where my brother (that would be LB1 - see previous post) and his beautiful bride were married several years ago. The boys and I are quite worried about it as a new house is going up just to the right of it and that looks like a property peg in the middle of the clearing.

This damp photography reminds me that there is still beauty to be found on grey, drizzly days. 

A perfectly tree framed picture of the view.

Gorgeous green moss and seaweed that can only be seen at low tide and when the sea is 'low'.

And an extra picture of the cliffs that you've seen before but I thought I'd post again. Our landscape is so wild and untamed that it sometimes amazes me that anyone survived here at all several hundred years ago. I'm so glad they did.


  1. You certainly live in a beautiful part of the world.

    1. Thanks so much! We are happy to be back here after thirteen years away!

  2. As I've said before, you really do live in a beautiful part of our country, lovely share, thank you x

  3. What a beautiful place you live in. I can imagine it is quite inspiring.

    Have a great weekend

    1. You're right, it is very inspiring. Thanks for visiting, Sharon. Have a great weekend.

  4. It is lovely to see some of where you live, it is a very beautiful part of the world and I really enjoyed seeing it. Thank you! Thank you for your support of Five On Friday, I so appreciate it!!! Have a great weekend! xx

    1. Thanks so much! Glad you had a chance to drop by with everything that's going on right now. Five on Friday is fun! Have a great weekend too.

  5. My goodness, your "backyard" is beautiful. You live in such stunning surroundings! I hope your weekend is off to a wonderful start. Have fun! Pat :)

    1. Thank you so much! We like it here I must say;). Have a wonderful weekend too.

  6. Stunning! I can see you appreciate it too. :-)

    1. Thanks so much for the compliment and for visiting. We spent thirteen years away from our home province so we really do appreciate being back home and beside the ocean.

  7. Beautiful location, nice not to have houses too close to you. Love to listen to the sound of water breaking on rocks.

    1. Thanks! We're really happy here. I love the sound of the water breaking on rocks too. There's just something so peaceful about it.

  8. Amazing scenery, what a lucky girl you are to live amongst such beauty. Thanks for visiting Normandy, have a great week.

    1. Thank you and thanks for visiting. Have a great holiday!

  9. Love your photos. It's plain to see that you find beauty wherever you go.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting and for the compliments. I do try to find beauty in all things though its very hard some days;)!

  10. It all looks pretty rugged. A pity if that grove is built on though, I suppose that's the price of progress.

