Saturday, May 11, 2013

House Envy

A couple of weekends ago, DH was nice enough to let me off the childcare hook for an hour or so and I was able to tour the 2013 St. John's Health Care Foundation's Home Lottery show home - a first for me since we moved back to the province. I now have serious house envy (and if you want to see really good pictures of the house, visit the website. I was taking pictures for ideas and forgot about blog quality ;)!).

It's not so much that the house is that much nicer than mine (I prefer ours, particularly our land, view and backyard, pit though that is) but that the show home is so finished and by finished I mean so nicely put together.

SO not child friendly. But I love it!
It is challenging to be at home with three very young children full-time. When you are someone who really, really, REALLY enjoys decorating? Wow. It's even harder. I have so many ideas and visions in my head of how I want their bedrooms (and ours!) and parts of the house to look, the cute spaces I could make for the kids (can you say 'reading nook'?) that it's hard to keep to the plan of cleaning up the kitchen each night, getting the laundry done, and people fed and still feel like I am accomplishing something.

The  house had SO many cool ideas for the kids and for our house in general.

The finishes were super cool.

This wallpaper was used on the bar room ceiling and really gave an aged tin ceiling effect. Pretty easy to replicate as well.

Ah dreams. 

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