Sunday, November 1, 2015

Cape Spear

It feels a little strange not to be numbering my posts but as it's November 1st, it's time to go back to normal. We had a gorgeous fall day here today. Cool and crisp, bright and sunny. My favourite kind of day. We got up late thanks to the time change and I cooked a big breakfast (even managed to make pancakes without eggs from scratch as we are out of eggs!) then went for a long walk by myself. I've been trying to walk at least four times a week in the mornings. I find if I don't exercise before the rhythm of the day starts, I just don't get out at all.

After lunch, we met up with Baldy Brother, our nephew and their family's exchange student to hike around Cape Spear. I made sure the boys were bundled in their winter coats because at 6 degrees C and a strong wind, it can get pretty cold out on the Cape.

Imagine our surprise when we got there and there was NO wind. Neither Baldy Brother nor I could remember the last time we visited Cape Spear and there not being a strong wind even in the summer. It was glorious and a little warm in our winter wear!

I love the colours of Autumn in the bushes and grasses.

Toby the dog came with us too.

We were plesantly surprised to find ourselves munching on a lot of lovely and ripe (and very late) blueberries. We must have stopped and snacked for 20 minutes or more.

It was a gorgeous day with wonderful company. 

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