Last week was a bit scattered. It was the first week for Eldest back in school after Easter holidays so perhaps that's the reason why as we've eased (or been pushed) back into a semblance of a regular routine. The most exciting news of late is a) we saw the sun a few times last week though it's still unreasonably cold, b) the icebergs are moving South providing much entertainment and c) we had Spring snow last night, about two inches of it.
I've planned on having an Easter tree for, probably, twenty years now. I finally got around to it this year. The boys and I traipsed up into the back forty of our property and I cut branches from what I thought was an alder bush. It's now gracing us with some gorgeous spring green (unlike the exterior environment) and it turns out to be a Dog Berry tree (Mountain Ash to some of you) instead.
The crocheted eggs look cute on the tree.
A happy, happy cat and proof that we have had sunshine in May. Hopefully the weather will take a turn for the better this week and I can happily type about the fantastic May 2014 weather. Hopefully.
I've started hooking my largest project yet for a friend of mine. Here is the sky in progress. I'm on a strict deadline for this one as my friend leaves the country (permanently, sob!) at the end of June.
I'm trying to keep Youngest from napping during the day as, if he gets one, he will stay up until 2300 hrs (11:00 PM) and that's just frustrating. Obviously there's no stopping the independent two year old from doing what he darn well pleases anyways.
The meadow where my brother and SIL got married looks good. |
The boys and I went for a walk and a picnic on the portion of the East Coast Trail just below us this past week on a gorgeous (but still darn cold!) afternoon.
We're going on a bear hunt... |
The ice bergs have started their trek South and we see many during the day out on the horizon. This one is a small growler that's been staying just below us. There are three actual icebergs in the bay this week.
Two more off in the distance. |
Youngest - happy with life and with his speedy 'brudders'. |
The growler. |
Spring run off. |
We have a gorgeous waterfall on the trail which is usually the end destination when we go for a walk from our house. It is passable when the water is lower but I don't like taking the boys across by myself. I have done it solo both crossing the river or by going down below the falls, crossing the rocks and climbing back up the hill. It's such a pretty place and lovely on a hot summer day for small children to play in.
The bottom portion of the falls falling into the ocean. |
Things are going to be even more scattered this week. I am off for the first of (I hope) an annual girls trip for three nights without DH or children. This time I am headed off with a lovely friend from the UK (currently living here but posted back to the UK in June :( ) to New York City! We leave at o'dark early Thursday morning and I am having trouble concentrating on anything as I am so excited. It's kind of a Mother's Day gift though that's slightly oxymoronic in that I'm
leaving the boys for my Mother's Day treat. I will be back after supper on Sunday so I will still get some Mother's Day hugs.